8 2020 Resolultions for the Soul

Everyone reflects and make New Years Resolutions at the beginning of each year.  However, they usually revolve around improving something for themselves.  Here I list a number of resolutions that are good for the soul AND will give you all the “feel good” fuzzies inside. Not only that but it’s been proven scientifically (University of North Carolina) that kindness not only makes you healthier it actually slows aging.

1. Connect With Family More

Your family is there through thick and thin.  They know the worst and best version of ourselves.  And yet, most people take family for granted.  We all lead busy lives and can get wrapped up in the day to day rush of everything that needs to get done.  However, a simple phone call every now and then could make a HUGE difference to someone who lives far away or is just having a bad day.  Why not grab breakfast or go for a walk with someone who tends to be a home body?  It doesn’t have to be a big investment of time.  Even a 10 min call or 30 min visit can have a vast impact on our mental health.

2. Declutter

Okay, I know no one enjoys spending time going through stuff.  However, there are 2 significant benefits to this.  The truth is that most of us have too much stuff.  As a society we like to spend money and buy things.  Any shopaholics out there?  LOL!  But, how often do you actually go through your belongings to see if you’ve used it within the last 6 months or even a year?  When we have too much clutter, it can feel oppressive, which can lead to unhappiness and so on.  Yet, when you are in an environment that is light and airy, you feel so much more uplifted and energized.

The second benefit is that you can contribute to society indirectly.  By donating the goods that you no longer need, you reduce waste.  If it is clean and still in usable condition, you can donate it to your local big brothers, salvation army or local women’s shelter.  They will be so appreciative of these gifts and you will have done your good deed for the day! 

If you have textiles (clothing, sheets, material) that are no longer wearable, you can drop it off at any H&M and get a 10% discount card on your next purchase.  They accept clothes and textiles from any brand and in any condition.  You can read more about their program right here.

3. Do Something Spontaneous

Most of us go through our day to day routines on auto-pilot.  We’re always thinking about the next thing that needs to get done or the next place we need to be.  Then, one day you run into an old friend/colleague that you haven’t seen in long time.  Why not take the time to sit down for 15 mins and grab a cup of coffee.  It can be so uplifting catching with someone you genuinely enjoy spending time with.

Another simple spontaneous idea could be trying something different for exercise.  Instead of running go to a spinning class or if you always do yoga, why not try karate.  I can’t guarantee that you’ll love it but you will have done something challenging, tried something new and may even find a new favourite.

4. Smile At Someone Unexpectedly

It doesn’t cost you a thing and you can do it all day long.  It will likely make their day and you never know what other people are going through.  And there are proven health benefits to smiling such as reducing blood pressure, releases endorphins and can immediately lower others’ defenses (anger, jealousy, etc.)  A simple smile could make a huge difference to someone who’s feeling lonely, had a bad review at work or just needed to feel seen.

5. Volunteer

There are so many ways to volunteer for those that have a lot of time to those that have limited time.  You could become a big brother or sister which requires a weekly commitment or you could help out at a soup kitchen if you only have a few hours every now and then.  Volunteering not only contributes to society but you could potentially make some meaningful connections.  It’s not uncommon for people to make a business or personal connection while helping out an organization that is meaningful to you because you have something in common!

6. Random Act Of Kindness

I once read an article “378 Starbucks customers buy coffee for next in line.”  One woman’s act of kindness lasted hours at that Starbucks drive through.  Why not be the person that offers an act of kindness that spirals into something great? Talk about a gift that keeps on giving for simple New Years Resolution!

7. Give Food To Someone On The Street

I live in Vancouver.  One of the most expensive cities in the World to live in.  More and more I notice how many people are living on the street.  Most of them have mental health or addiction issues without access to the needed resources.   But in a world where so much food is gone to waste, it makes no sense that they go hungry day in and day out.  Why not offer a granola bar to the guy that opens the door at your coffee shop or give them the left overs when you eat out.

8. Donate Blood

No one wants to thing about the unthinkable.  Unfortunately, accidents are a fact of life and it could happen not just to you but to your family, friend, colleague or neighbour.  It could literally mean the difference between life and death for someone.  Only a third of the population are actually eligible to donate blood.  Yet, one in seven people entering a hospital need blood.

These New Years Resolutions will not only lift your spirits, make you healthier and extend your life, it could have a profound effect on someone else as well.  And best of all, there are ZERO negative side effects!

What New Years Resolutions for the soul will you commit to this year?
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